
Since its origins, ESpanix has had among its objectives the expansion of its services´s scope beyond the spanish borders, to achieve the ambitious goal of being present in the European market.

Now, with that idea in mind, we have created ESpanix Reach, which is a special service that allows to to hire peering ports in numerous European locations without having to be present in the Iberian Peninsula.

This service has these characteristics:

  • Connections with 10G, 100G y 400G ports.
  • No capacity limitation.
  • Access to ESpanix without restrictions, being able to establish peering with the majority of the peninsular operators and our European partners.
  • Same price per port from all cities where the service is available, which includes transportation to Madrid and access to the contracted port.
  • Other locations available on request.

The service is available thanks to specific agreements made between ESpanix and some international partners, which represents a reduction in terms of latency for all those operators that move traffic with Spain

ESpanix Reach also presents sustainability and aconomic characteristics for ESpanix remote clients, since its price is less than the sum of the cost of the ESpanix Node port and the IP transit.

We will come with more news soon, so stay tuned.