
The impact of climate change and the great role played by the connection and Internet security are unquestionable in today’s society.

Due to this, at ESpanix we have decided to advance our environmental and security commitments, launching the necessary processes to join two important initiatives developed in both fields for the telecommunications sector: MANRS and Climate Neutral Data Center Pact.

We are going summarize what these initiatives consist of:

MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security): It is a global initiative that provides crucial solutions to resolve and reduce the most common problems that threats to Internet traffic can generate.

Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact: It is an initiative whose main objective is to comply with the European Green Deal, achieving that Europe has zero emissions by 2050 and promoting sustainable development within the datacenter and trade association community.

In the future we hope to commit to more initiatives that help improve our sector and encourage greater engagement with the world around us.